Draw the Circle Prayer J

Profile Image for Randy.

ii books half-dozen followers

January 28, 2014

I wanted to like this volume. No, that'southward non true. I wanted to love this book. Before requesting a copy to review, I had read several other reviews first, and saw many people talk about how life-changing it was. How information technology had revolutionized their prayer life.

I am distressing to report that this wasn't the example for me. I did similar it. It had some interesting and inspiring stories, some great quotes and reminders, and some good suggestions. It was just missing one thing: construction.

What I had expected, needed, and was hoping for was a linear approach, for want of a better term. To be truly useful to me, and for me to recommend information technology to others, a book like this needs to take a staircase arroyo. Each 24-hour interval'south reading, story, theme, etc. should build on the twenty-four hour period earlier. Ideally, a prepare of sub-themes would be great for a volume like this (i.e. Twenty-four hour period one - 10 "Printing into God", Day 11-20 "Centering Your Circle on His Will", Solar day 21-30 "An Expectant Circle", Day 31-forty "Looking Across the Possible"���or something similar that).

Unfortunately, each day seemed random. In that location was no follow-through in theme (beyond "pray, expect an answer, trust God", which was woven through most of it), and no momentum from one day to the next. As a effect, I didn't feel similar I really got anywhere, in role because the book didn't experience like it was going anywhere.

Having voiced that criticism, there is some other criticism--even rebuke--that Marker Batterson and Draw the Circle have received that I need to address. Some have connected the "circle drawing" to witchcraft, while others accept insisted that Batterson is promoting a "wellness and wealth" or a "name it and claim it" theology and approach to prayer.

Both of these criticisms are patently absurd. No one could legitimately read this volume and so accuse the author with either of these.

Are circles used in some rituals in witchcraft? Yes. They're also used in geometry, gymnastics, roller coasters, and cooking. Are all of these to be avoided because they're evidently connected to witchcraft? (If you lot said "yeah," delight stop reading now--in that location'due south nothing else I can say to yous.) The circle imagery used in this book has no more connection to witchcraft than any of these others practice. Batterson uses it to make a point, and to help provide a somewhat tangible visual for the reader. To me, it did so finer.

As for the other merits, that he is promoting a "health and wealth" or "proper noun information technology and claim information technology" theology and approach to prayer, this is again untrue. As just ane case of many, Batterson writes, "God is non your genie in a bottle, and your wish is non His command. His command meliorate exist your wish." This is and then far from the charge of "health and wealth," etc. that they're not fifty-fifty in the same ballpark.

If y'all're concerned nearly either of these possibilities (witchcraft or a prosperity-gospel), consider your fears assuaged. If yous're looking for a volume that will revolutionize your prayer life, this may be it. Information technology wasn't for me, but if you're non concerned nigh the scattershot approach, or if information technology works for yous, and so you may observe Draw the Circle worthwhile. If nothing else, read information technology and draw some inspiration from some astonishing quotes (like the ane I shared in a higher place) that may aid change your perspective (in a good way) or provided much-needed reminders.

Disclaimer: I received a review copy of this book at no charge, simply all opinions are my ain.

    Profile Image for Igor Putina.

    79 reviews 15 followers


    Edited October 24, 2018

    Started reading this volume only 40 days agone with my married woman, and we're excited to be done today. I recommend this book if you are a Christian and want to depict closer to God in prayer.

      Profile Image for Cherie Hill.

      Writer 26 books 69 followers

      March thirty, 2013

      Probably the most life/faith transforming book I've read in a LONG fourth dimension. The Circle Maker RADICALLY contradistinct the course of my life (in a good style :) and the 40 Mean solar day Prayer Challenge trumped it. If yous can only become one of the books, I HIGHLY recommend the 40 Day Prayer Challenge. It'due south a book yous'll read over and over once again.

        Profile Image for Jackie Hutter.

        17 reviews 1 follower

        April 27, 2017

        I read this as part of a bible written report I am doing with friends and found this book difficult to get through. In that location were some enjoyable and very helpful parts that I will tuck in my back pocket. I even quoted it a couple of times, because of some profound things he wrote. I just expected it to exist more than of a " let's pray this way today" book. It's a 40 mean solar day prayer challenge, but I did not really feel challenged. Information technology was very far from that. I felt he could be very forced, cliche' and cheesy a lot of the fourth dimension. He was also straight up prosperity gospel in several instances, and in my journaling of this devotional, I constitute myself correcting him more a few times. I take been listening in the car on audio to his companion book "The Circumvolve Maker". I am near half way through, just I am non sure I can finish it. It's just the same style and a lot of repeated stories. I also have "Praying circles around your children". I am curious to see if information technology's any different. It'south a lot shorter at least.

          Profile Image for Varina Denman.

          Writer 4 books 303 followers

          December 26, 2018

          I don't even know how many times I burst into tears while reading this book. God definitely used it to work on me the past forty days, and I'll be returning to these pages again and over again.

            Profile Image for Katie Purnell.

            iv reviews 3 followers

            July xi, 2020

            While this book contains some true points, Batterson starts to dangerously tiptoe into the prosperity Gospel.

              March 2, 2021

              This book does a really good chore of making God seem like a transactional God. That if we pray to God or if we are obedient to God than He will do (y). If God doesn't deliver after we exercise our part than is He true with His promises all the same? The stories in the book are insane and spectacular and the author does a great task at giving God the credit, but it makes me recall of God similar a dispenser that I tin control rather than the God of the Bible.

                Profile Image for Maxine C..

                4 reviews

                May xviii, 2021

                Such a great read!! It shifted my prayer life forever and for good! Def won't exist the terminal time I read this.

                  Profile Image for Steven R. McEvoy.

                  two,132 reviews 88 followers

                  Edited Apr x, 2013

                  In the terminal month and a half I have read four books by Mark Batterson, and I have read each of the books twice. That speaks to the power of these books. But to be honest, this one might be the most powerful i yet and about likely to alter your life and maybe fifty-fifty help to change the world. It all started when a friend recommended reading Praying Circles Around Your Children which was being offered for free in ebook format at the time. I started reading and only really stopped to pray for my kids. And then I got an advanced readers copy of The Circle Maker Pupil Edition: dream large, pray difficult, call back long and over again I was blown abroad. And so I read this and the original The Circle Maker at the aforementioned time. I was flipping back and forth. At present I know this volume is designed to be read over 40 days and used as a tool to spark praying and thinking differently, just I could not put it down. I am at present half way through a second time, just reading a mean solar day at a time as information technology was designed.

                  This volume is amazing; it will modify your relationship with God, challenge your prayer habits and help shape new patterns for both prayer and devotional time. In the Introduction Mark states "If y'all want God to practise something new in you, y'all cannot continue doing the same erstwhile affair. You have to practise something different. And if you do, God will create new capacities inside you. There will be new gifts and new revelations. But you've got to pray the price. You'll exit of this what you put into it." Then on twenty-four hour period 26 he states: "If you want God to practise something new in your life, you cannot keep doing the same sometime matter. My advice is simple: do something unlike. And you'll see what a difference it makes!" And again on day 28 "If you want God to do something new, you cannot keep doing the same sometime thing." This book will help break you from the habit of same erstwhile aforementioned old. The Psalmist in Psalm 51:12 declares: "Restore to me the joy of your conservancy and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me." This volume will rekindle your prayer life! Give it a effort - you have nothing to lose and a whole lot to gain.

                  "In a moment of revelation, the circle maker realized that praying is planting. Each prayer is similar a seed that gets planted in the ground. It disappears for a flavor, merely it eventually bears fruit that blesses future generations. In fact, our prayers behave fruit forever."

                  And then pick up this book and pray through the forty days. Constitute new seeds and keep pray hard and thinking long!

                  Read the review and with links to other reviews of books by the writer on my blog Volume Reviews and More.

                    2013-all-time-of read-2013
                  Profile Image for Mikejencostanzo.

                  162 reviews 42 followers

                  March 15, 2013

                  Author Mark Batterson uses the metaphor of Drawing a Circle to teach several key lessons about prayer: Circling dorsum and praying for the same thing repeatedly, committing to staying in a literal or figurative circumvolve before God to wait for his answers, physically drawing a circle effectually written prayer requests that still need prayer, etc. While the metaphor is a rich one, and well developed in Batterson'south work, I was hoping for more depth in other means.

                  I wished for more stories of answered prayer. Having read the 1890'southward classic Touching Incidents and Remarkable Answers to Prayer several years ago, and having been driven to prayer past its overwhelming flood of story upon story, I was expecting something in the same vein.

                  Besides, as the book is promoted as a 40-Day Prayer Challenge, I was expecting it to be more of a tool. Other than being divided into 40 capacity (one for each day), the book didn't require its reader to employ it in whatsoever applied ways. It was more of a 40 Days of Chicken Soup for the Prayer Warrior'south Soul. To exist more than functional, additions like questions at the stop of each chapter with space to journal, and actual assignments to accomplish each day could have taken the book to the next level.

                  The material presented in

                  Describe the Circle is good. Simply the book as it is risks being a feel-good read with picayune lasting impact. Fact is, I'm a lazy reader. I'll skim. I'll chuckle if something'southward funny. I'll become "hmmm" if it'southward deep. Just at the terminate of the day, I'll probably forget most of it, unless I immediately do something with it. Brand it "stick to my ribs" by demanding that I apply the fabric on a daily footing, or yous'll probably lose me.

                  I received this book free from the publisher through the BookSneeze®.com volume review bloggers program. I was non required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.


                    booksneeze reviewed
                  Edited September 16, 2020

                  DNF - Although I picked up a helpful tip or two, this volume just wasn't for me. Rather than praying for something to happen or something to modify. I try to focus my prayers on praise and thanksgiving. My requests are more often than not for the well being of the people around me. In that, I do non challenge God to make something happen, rather, I pray that God's proficient and perfect will be done in their lives.

                  Perhaps my review would be different if I finished it, but this fell by the wayside for me. Perchance I will try again 1 day.

                    Profile Image for Rose.

                    199 reviews fifteen followers

                    Edited October 12, 2015

                    This book is a good guide to assessing and improving your prayer life. It'southward ready as a xl-day devotional and could be read over and over to remind you of the power of prayer. If War Room spurred yous to improve your prayer life, this is a expert way to offset.

                      Profile Image for Kayo.

                      2,154 reviews xx followers

                      Apr 18, 2017

                      Excellent volume! Learned a lot. :-)

                        Profile Image for Mason Frierson.

                        295 reviews 24 followers

                        October xix, 2016

                        Similar Batterson's book "The Circle Maker", this book is very troubling and must exist read advisedly with much discernment and compared to the Bible carefully. Many have publicly commented negatively on the management that author Marking Batterson's teachings are taking and the direction he may be headed - with accusations of "witchcraft", "ritual magic", "Jewish Talmud", a "prosperity gospel" "name-it-claim-information technology" direction of money, greed, false promises and a "me-centered theology", rather than "God-centered Christianity". Recall, the all-time false teachers sideslip teachings "that tickle our ears and appeal our our selfish desires" in the middle of many statements of truth. Pray for discernment before you read this book.

                        As a boyfriend-Christian and double-ly as a young man 5 pt Calvinist, I wish I could say I believe the teachings of Marking Batterson are biblical. I read many statements about God's sovereignty and God's glory that my heart delighted over. Even so, in decision, I must hold with other reviewers that this book is absolutely promoting "prosperity gospel" and sadly, information technology is wrapped in the nigh clever, advisedly-worded mask that I take EVER seen. This is not the hands visible greedy "prosperity gospel" of the "Word Faith" or "Word of Religion" cult. This is "prosperity gospel" advisedly masked betwixt beautiful statements of how nosotros are to live our lives trusting in a sovereign God and living to glorify God! How "crafty" was the snake/Satan in the garden. Practice not autumn for his carefully disguised lies.

                        For every judgement, ask yourself "Do these teachings match the Bible?"

                        "In Luke 11[:5-x], Jesus tells a story nearly a man who won't have no for an reply. He keeps knocking on his friend's door until he gets what he came for. It's a parable about prevailing in prayer. And Jesus honors his bold determination: "... however considering of your shameless audacity he will surely go upwards and give you lot equally much equally you need." I dear this depiction of prayer. There are times when you need to do whatever it takes. You need to grab hold of the horns of the altar and not let go. You need to dare demonic forces to a duel. Yous need to do something crazy, something risky, something different." Mark Batterson. Draw the Circumvolve (Kindle Locations 496-510).

                        John Calvin says this verse ways, "Believers ought not be discouraged, if they practice not immediately obtain their desires, ... nosotros have no reason to doubtfulness that God will listen to us, if we persevere constantly in prayer..." However, notice how the alarm bells get off in your head when you read Batterson use this to life by calculation "in that location are times when you demand to do Whatsoever IT TAKES." "You need to cartel demonic forces to a duel." Is this biblical? Although some modern 24-hour interval Pentecostals believe we are to "go to battle with demons", the bible does not teach this. Batterson follows with this example extracted from the Jewish Talmud Scriptures (which Christians very much pass up, as the Talmud is written past rabbis hostile towards Jesus) of "doing whatever it takes":

                        "The epitome of shameless audacity is the circle maker himself. When a severe drought threatened to destroy a generation of Jews, Honi drew a circle in the sand, dropped to his knees, and said, "Lord of the universe, I swear before Your great name that I will non move from this circle until You have shown mercy upon Your children." It was a risky proffer. Honi could have been in that circle a long time! But God honored that bold prayer considering that bold prayer honored Him. And even when God answered that prayer for rain, Honi had the shameless brazenness to ask for a specific blazon of rain. "Non for such pelting have I prayed, just for rain of Your favor, blessing, and graciousness." Mark Batterson. Draw the Circle (Kindle Locations 496-510). Zondervan.
                        Get-go, this is a story from the Jewish Talmud, which includes some bizarre stories and portrays Jesus as a false prophet. We do not affirm annihilation in the Talmud to be a true business relationship on its own basis. And then we exercise not know that God honored any such prayer/demands from anyone named Honi. Batterson has dangerously gone into the Jewish Talmud and ripped a story out and is using it as a ground for teaching Christian prayer.

                        "The moral of this parable is to prevail in prayer, but information technology as well reveals the character of Him who answers prayer. The asking is not granted but because of repeated requests. Prayer is answered to preserve God'due south good proper noun. After all, information technology's non our reputation that is on the line; it's His reputation. So God doesn't reply prayer but to requite u.s.a. what we desire; God answers prayer to bring glory to His name." Mark Batterson. Draw the Circumvolve (Kindle Locations 496-510). Zondervan.
                        I tin just see a dozen professing Christians enervating God grant their prayers "or else God will have a bad proper name." Or going before unbelievers and declaring "God will heal your mother or else He will have a bad name!" This is a very unsafe merits and I practice not believe that Batterson accurately portrays prayer "for God's glory" equally "according to God'due south volition" and "according to God's foreordained purpose that is set from the foundation of the world" is well-nigh always left out of the context.
                        "Go dwelling house. Lock yourself in your room. Kneel down in the middle of the floor, and with a piece of chalk draw a circle around yourself. There, on your knees, pray fervently and brokenly that God would start a revival inside that chalk circumvolve."

                        Draw a chalk circle around yourself and need that God grant your prayers or yous will not leave your lilliputian chalk circumvolve [Batterson teaches the "don't go out" in his The Circle Maker" book]? How unbiblical and disrespectful and dishonoring of God. How self-focused and self-centered. Is this how Jesus taught us to pray? What happened to praying according to the Male parent'southward will?
                        Dozens of farmers showed up to pray [for pelting]. Nearly of them wore their traditional overalls, but 1 of them wore waders! ...Why non dress for the phenomenon? I love the simple, childlike faith of that old, seasoned farmer. He simply said, "I don't want to walk home wet." And he didn't. Just everyone else did. ...... I tin can't assistance but wonder if that deed of faith is what sealed the miracle. I don't know for sure, but this I do know: God is honored when we deed as if He is going to answer our prayers! And acting as if means acting on our prayers. After hit our knees, we demand to take a minor step of faith. And those small steps of organized religion oft plow into behemothic leaps. Like Noah, who kept building an ark 24-hour interval afterwards 24-hour interval, we keep hammering abroad at the dream God has given us. Like the Israelites, who kept circling Jericho for seven days, we keep circling God'south promises. Like Elijah,10 who kept sending his servant back to look for a pelting deject, we actively and expectantly wait for God'south reply. ...... Don't just pray about your dream; human action on it. Human action as if God is going to evangelize on His promise. Perhaps it'south fourth dimension to put on waders and act as if God is going to reply. Marking Batterson. Draw the Circumvolve (Kindle Locations 539-559). Zondervan.

                        Exactly like the "Give-and-take of Faith" cult that is the main promoter of the "prosperity gospel", Batterson starts encouraging believers to "accept a pace in religion." This is the aforementioned false instruction referred to equally "seed faith" past the "name-information technology-claim-it" grouping. Biblical "trusting religion" is trusting in God to practise the best thing for you whichever mode He decides to answer your prayer. It is non "acting as if God were going to grant your prayer in the way you desire it to" as if this "voodo" "mind over matter" could fool God into granting that prayer just as you lot wish Him to. This is completely unbiblical.

                        Specially, take note of Batterson's simulated claim: "I can't assist but wonder if that act of faith is what sealed the miracle." Your "interim every bit if God were going to requite you lot your desires" is NOT faith and it does NOT "seal" or "grant" or "cause God to move" in whatsoever such way. This is the unbiblical instruction of "seed organized religion", "religion-ing-it" or "mind over affair" or "mind over God". Information technology is using your "behavior" to "fool God/prompt God" to give you what you want.

                        Immediately next, Batterson makes the assuming declaration: "this I do know: God is honored when we act as if He is going to respond our prayers" This is completely false! First, God Always answers our prayers. Sometimes it's a "yes", "no", "later" merely He E'er answers them. And so "acting as if He were going to respond "yes"" as if this petty "behavior" were to twist God into answering a "yes" is completely false. Why non act as if God were to answer "no"? Aforementioned logic. This is completely unbiblical.

                        Like the master of deception himself, Batterson then cleverly slips in "we keep hammering abroad at the dream God has given united states" [every bit the Israelites and Elijah did]. Discover that Israel and Elijah were given commands direct from God. "Our dreams" "wants" "desires" are non something God told us to pursue through a prophet. In fact, they are often worldly and contrary to the desires of God. This is why oftentimes God's answers to our prayers is a "no" because our Father knows these "wants" are non for our own good.

                        The number of passages in this volume that teach an unbiblical view of prayer are phenomenal. This book is entirely "prosperity gospel" masked in low-Calvinism. And even then, the low-Calvinism promoted past Batterson is very tainted with a "human being tin influence God through clever tricks" theology.

                        My disclaimer - I received this book from the publisher simply I am not required to give a positive review. I always requite brutally honest reviews and effort to critically point out parts of the volume that may not agree with the Bible and so not entreatment to others. I want you lot readers to be able to confidently choose a book based on the stars I requite it, because I know yous have limited coin, fourth dimension and energy to read. So allow's make the most of our lives and discern and choose the very best books wisely.

                        If you disagree with whatever betoken in any of my reviews, please in a loving, edifying and respectful way, write me "as you wish someone would right you" in detail pointing out exactly what you lot call up I missed. I long to exist sharpened. God bless.

                          Profile Image for Amber Burton.

                          85 reviews

                          Feb 21, 2022

                          I think my favorite part of reading this volume was reading it with friends and watching how it challenged our prayer lives individually and together. There are a lot of cracking and inspiring and encouraging stories of God moving in big and small ways through prayer. And that is and then important to hear, because I recall nosotros tin hands forget that God is yet answering prayers and even so speaking to united states. I did find some parts to seem like prayer is a fleck transactional. Like if we enquire and pray so God has to answer. Mark was likewise quick to analyze often that if our prayers line upward with God's will so he will support u.s.. I practice accept a fiddling outcome with information technology because we tin absolutely be praying God's will and not see the answer we desire. God's answer isn't always our answer. Overall I don't think he is promoting it that way at all, but encouraging us to pray boldly and to go on to pray and pray fervently for the things we want to run across God exercise. I would recommend reading this book and especially joining with friends then you can circle each other in prayer through the 40 days.

                            Profile Image for Vonetta.

                            406 reviews 14 followers

                            April 12, 2018

                            It is weird to rate your pastor'due south book, just I'm going to do information technology anyway:

                            3.5 stars -- I love the idea of a 40-mean solar day prayer challenge; it'due south just the kind of thing I needed to practice during the Lenten season. Just like a lot of other reviewers, I was expecting more of a "pray about this topic today," "pray about that topic today," so the construction of the book threw me off a little. But information technology'southward not fair to gauge a book based on my expectations.

                            Information technology is definitely encouraging to read stories of God showing upward for other people. That aspect of the book, without a doubtfulness, increased my faith. And I constitute myself praying for things that I wouldn't have idea to pray for otherwise. So, information technology'south definitely a not bad volume in that regard. But the lack of structure didn't really do it for me.

                              Profile Image for Chasity R.

                              68 reviews 2 followers

                              November 13, 2020

                              I didn't recall how I felt after reading this in 2018, so I decided to read it again to accompany a fast I was completing. My expectation was to larn to pray and be supported more during the fast. This book ended up feeling more than similar a daily devotional than a daily prayer guide. In that location seemed to be a lack of flow between each day. Where I expected, needed daily guidance on how to pray when I feel x, y, or z I was given a historical story. I recollect this would serve more as a supplement for Bible study than a guide for a prayer challenge.

                                Profile Image for Deena Adams.

                                145 reviews 31 followers

                                February 11, 2022

                                Our church went through this xl-day Prayer Challenge together and it was a peachy encouragement. Prayer can exist a difficult spiritual subject field when y'all pray faithfully for years for God to move in your life, family, and/or church and you lot don't see the answers you hoped and prayed for. This book helped ignite the passion for prayer once more and reminded me that my prayers will live on long past my life on this earth. God hears and He'southward working for His kingdom purposes even when I don't see information technology. The author shares some amazing and miraculous stories that can only be attributed to the power of God.

                                  2022 devotional non-fiction
                                Profile Image for Mark Montgomery.

                                54 reviews 2 followers

                                August 13, 2017

                                Prayer is powerful! Read the book as requested by our pastor for a church building broad activity to get anybody thinking about prayer. Our pastor, equally I believe Marking Batterson is doing in writing this volume, is to take all of united states of america focus on the discipline of making prayer part of our lives.

                                  christian faith
                                Profile Image for CIndy Ma.

                                1 review 1 follower

                                September 17, 2020

                                Great Book!

                                The more I read this book, the more than I believe in the ability of prayer. When nosotros pray, God will open doors according to His will. Actually, He answers in ways we tin never imagine. Pray through and God volition interruption through!

                                  May 10, 2020

                                  Amazing Prayer Devotional!

                                    Profile Image for Erica Bonner.

                                    51 reviews

                                    March 9, 2021

                                    What an incredible challenge. To exist obedient and really work on your prayer life you will feel the results. My prayer life is stronger and I have really enjoyed this book reading it with some friends. Will have to keep this on a rotation and read once again!

                                      Profile Image for Jasmine Kick.

                                      two reviews eleven followers

                                      December xviii, 2019

                                      This devotional is absolutely no joke. The Lord speaks mightily through Mark Batterson! I found myself unable to wait until the next days devotional to continue reading. The truth is, prior to reading this devotional, I realized that I had not really believed that prayer changes anything. I was so, so wrong. As scripture says "Y'all take not considering you ask not." I have had such a new reignited passion for prayer and the presence of God, and this volume was the catalyst for that. Give thanks y'all so much Marker Batterson!

                                        Edited March 29, 2019

                                        This book was fantastic. Information technology really stretched my prayer life and challenged me to pray more than consistently. Commonly, you can pray for something and abandon information technology afterward awhile. This book actually helps you zeroing, focus, and commit to roofing something in prayer with perserverance and sheer determination. Information technology'south a Jacob mindset, "I won't permit go till you lot anoint me." Information technology will alter the dynamics of your prayer life if you stick it through. I still apply these tactics and principles into my prayer life, today, whether individually or corporately.

                                        Information technology will bless you. It's worth every penny! Invest in your prayer life and fight for what yous want. Matthew 7:7 all around. Ask, Seek, and Knock!!!! Continue on pressing for information technology!!!!

                                        Profile Image for Bridgette.

                                        28 reviews 4 followers

                                        September 29, 2020

                                        I didn't similar this book at all. Though the Author repeats that he is not offer the prosperity gospel, that is exactly what the book is. He uses scripture out of context to go his point beyond and 90% of the illustrations of praying are for big buildings and lots of money. He talks about a guy named Honi and uses him as an instance of a style to pray. This guy is a mythical person in which he footing his whole volume on. No where in scripture exercise you run into any type of circling prayer. The only thing I could see that you could do good from in this book was journaling out your prayers. Otherwise I recall it'south a waste of money- unless of course you like slick means to get a prayer answered and your a fan of Joel Osteen.

                                          Profile Image for Keila.

                                          91 reviews 14 followers

                                          Edited March nine, 2014

                                          This was an interesting experience. While I establish the act of reading a chapter a day and journaling appropriately to be a great habit to firm, I often plant the book to exist clichéd. Much of it felt like an ad for the author'southward church and other books. However, overall, the practice that this forty days has created for me has been life changing. I appreciate this book for that.

                                            Profile Image for Jermaine Gayle.

                                            30 reviews 2 followers

                                            December 8, 2016

                                            I was non praying enough!! Wow, Mark Batterson is a well capable writer. With stories and numerous illustrations, this volume was nothing short of inspiring. I sincerely appreciated the many powerful insights concerning what information technology actually means to take a strong prayer life. Was worth reading, was worth spending the extra time taking copious notes and underlining every other phrase.

                                              Profile Image for Robin Lee Hatcher.

                                              Author 102 books 2,543 followers

                                              Edited June 18, 2015

                                              This was a fabled 40 days. I did the claiming with a friend via e-mail, and it was good to have someone to share with. But I think using this book for a daily devotional on prayer would exist just as powerful if reading information technology on your own. I will definitely revisit this volume in the hereafter.

                                              Profile Image for DiAnn.

                                              Author 109 books 1,419 followers

                                              Edited Baronial 22, 2017

                                              A spiritual enkindling to the power of prayer. Amazing insights and truth into a believer's prayerlife.

                                                Profile Image for Bamidele Adenipekun.

                                                7 reviews

                                                June 24, 2019

                                                Very practical and inspirational. One of the best books I've read on prayer. It has challenged me to pray more audaciously.


                                                  Source: https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/16182599

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